google.com, pub-3677012749336019, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
Facing the sea, the ocean, the pool, the sun, the people in the summer of 2025, only one question is bothering you, it concerns the swimsuit you will wear.
This swimsuit is original, in the sense that it is unusual. It is not eccentric, the patchwork it forms demonstrates its originality.
The black panties, the top of another color, I like it, and you, what do you think?
In addition, it is Super great, you can't see through it. You feel safe. What more could you ask of it?
(to be modified in the “Reinsurance” module)
(to be modified in the “Reinsurance” module)
(to be modified in the “Reinsurance” module)
Patchwork swimsuit.
This swimsuit is super comfortable and original. It does not leave you indifferent. I flashed when I saw it, that's why I offer it to you.
As its name suggests, spandex is extremely stretchy. The main component of the synthetic fiber is polyurethane, a synthetic raw material that is as stretchy as rubber. This allows spandex to be stretched up to 700% without wearing it out: the fiber always returns to its original shape without being damaged. A remarkable stretching exercise that makes spandex the perfect material for precisely cut sportswear, capable of supporting all movements without damage.
Size chart:
Bra cup conversion chart
This swimsuit is just perfect! so add it to your cart